Tips for Tea Brewing

There is something soothing & comforting about brewing your own tea. Here are some tips that may help provide the perfect cup....
- make sure your tea has been properly stored. Our Vermont Artisan Tea containers are designed to keep the tea fresh. Just make sure you keep the tins at a constant temperature, away from light, moisture & odors
- Use fresh, cool water. Best not to start with tepid or hot water. The ideal flavor is drawn out of tea leaves using oxygen-rich water
- Perfect tea is brewed one cup at a time. You'll want to adjust brewing times to your personal preference but you can follow these general guidelines:
Green Teas: bring water to a boil & let sit a few minutes to cool to 170 degrees F. Steep for 2-3 minutes
Black & Herbal Teas: bring water to a boil & steep for 4 - 5 minutes
- Do not over-steep your tea. This means not letting your tea bag soak in water for too long. The result will be a darker than usual color & a sharp, bitter taste
- Be sure to compost your Vermont Artisan Tea sachets when done. Our sachet material is made of bio-degradable corn starch; not nylon or plastic.
- Enjoy!